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Cooperating Agencies

A cooperating agency is any tribal, federal, state, or local agency with jurisdiction by law or special expertise with respect to an environmental issue. Cooperators will:

  • Participate in the EIS process, including scoping and development and analysis of alternatives.
  • Provide leadership, expertise, guidance, and review for the EIS analysis.
  • Provide information related to the agency's role.
  • Identify issues of concern regarding project impacts on the natural and human-made environment.
  • Provide timely input on unresolved issues.

The BLM is the lead agency for the NEPA analysis associated with this planning effort. The BLM has invited other Federal agencies, State and local government agencies, and Tribes to be cooperators. Stakeholders that may be interested in or affected by the revisions are invited to participate in the scoping process and, if eligible, may request or be requested by the BLM to participate in the development of the EIS as a cooperating agency. To become a cooperating agency, respond in writing, describing your jurisdiction and special expertise, as well as the potential physical, natural, and socioeconomic issues or concerns that are of interest to your agency. An agreement (MOU) will be signed prior to your participation.