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Guide to the West-Wide Energy Corridor Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS)

Listed below are summaries of each major section of the West-wide Energy Corridor Final PEIS with links to the full text of the PEIS in Adobe Acrobat PDF format.


Volume 1: Chapters 1-10
Volume 2: Appendices
Volume 3: Map Atlas
Volume 4: Comments and Responses

NOTE: All PEIS maps and additional maps products are available under West Wide Energy Corridor Final PEIS Maps.

Volume I

Volume I Front Matter: Cover, Contents, Notation, English/Metric and Metric/English Equivalents

Summary: Front matter for Volume I of the Final PEIS document, including cover page, letter to readers, table of contents, notation, units of measure, and Executive Summary.

PDF Front Matter (2.7 MB, 82 pages)


Summary: A brief overview of the Final Programmatic EIS, including discussion of the need and purpose of the PEIS, scope of the PEIS, summaries of the proposed action and alternatives, method employed for siting energy corridors, and potential impacts under the alternatives.

PDF Summary (2.3 MB, 50 pages)

Chapter 1: Why Are Federal Agencies Proposing To Designate Energy Corridors in the West?

Summary: Includes discussion of the need and purpose of the PEIS, existing administrative challenges to federal rights-of-way authorization, summary of the proposed action, expediting the application process, reason for “no effect” determination under the Endangered Species Act, alternatives considered, proposed planning decisions, project outreach, and applicable laws and regulations.

PDF Chapter 1 (5.8 MB, 36 pages)

Chapter 2: What Are the Alternatives Evaluated in this PEIS?

Summary: Description of the two alternatives analyzed in detail in the PEIS: (1) No Action: no land would be designated as a Section 368 energy corridor, and (2) Proposed Action: designation of Section 368 energy corridors and amendment of land use plans on federal land. This chapter also details the process taken to site corridors that would be designated under the Proposed Action Alternative. Other alternatives considered but eliminated from detailed study are also described. A summary comparison of the environmental consequences of the analyzed alternatives is presented.

PDF Chapter 2 (28.4 MB, 74 pages)

Chapter 3: What Are the Potential Environmental Consequences of Corridor Designation and Land Use Plan Amendment?

Summary: Description of the nature and condition of potentially affected resources in the eleven Western States as well as descriptions of the types of impacts that are typical during the construction, operation, and decommissioning of energy transport projects, regardless of project location. Resource-specific mitigation measures that could be used to minimize, avoid, or compensate for project-specific impacts are also presented.

PDF Chapter 3 - Part 1 (Sections 3.1 - (17.3 MB, 51 pages)
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 2 (Sections 3.3.4 - (23.2 MB, 52 pages)
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 3 (Sections 3.6 - (23.0 MB, 164 pages)
PDF Chapter 3 - Part 4 (Sections 3.9 - (22.3 MB, 112 pages)

Chapter 4: How Are Cumulative Impacts Evaluated?

Summary: Discussion of the impacts associated with West-wide energy corridor designation and land use plan amendments (the Proposed Action) in a broader context that takes into account the full range of impacts of actions taking place within the eleven Western States in the foreseeable future.

PDF Chapter 4 (423 KB, 58 pages)

Chapter 5: What Unavoidable Adverse Impacts Might Be Caused by Corridor Designation and Land Use Plan Amendment?

Summary: Discussion of unavoidable adverse impacts to resources that could occur as a result of the development and operation of energy transport projects within the corridors designated under the Proposed Action or within project-specific ROWs under No Action.

PDF Chapter 5 (108 KB, 4 pages)

Chapter 6: The Relationship between Local Short-Term Uses of the Environment and Long-Term Productivity

Summary: Discussion of the relationship within each alternative between the short-term use of the environment and the maintenance and enhancement of long-term productivity.

PDF Chapter 6 (96 KB, 2 pages)

Chapter 7: What Irreversible and Irretrievable Commitment of Resources Would Be Involved with Implementation of the Alternatives?

Summary: Discussion of irreversible and irretrievable commitments of resources could be incurred as a result of the designation of energy corridors under the Proposed Action Alternative, and also with implementation of specific energy transport projects within the designated corridors.

PDF Chapter 7 (94 KB, 2 pages)

Chapter 8: List of Preparers

Summary: List of individuals who participated in the preparation of the Final PEIS, including a summary of their expertise, experience, professional discipline, and contribution to the Final PEIS.

PDF Chapter 8 (315 KB, 8 pages)

Chapter 9: References

Summary: A list of references cited in Chapters 1 through 7 of the PEIS.

PDF Chapter 9 (273 KB, 32 pages)

Chapter 10: Glossary

Summary: Definitions of scientific and technical terms used in the Final PEIS.

PDF Chapter 10 (190 KB, 14 pages)

Volume II: Appendixes

Volume II Front Matter: Cover, Contents, Notation, English/Metric and Metric/English Equivalents

Summary: Front matter for Volume II of the Final Programmatic EIS document, including cover page, table of contents, notation, and units of measure.

PDF Front Matter (2.1 MB, 22 pages)

Appendix A: Proposed Land Use Amendments

Summary: Table listing proposed land use plan amendments for designating EPAct Section 368 energy corridors.

PDF Appendix A (215 KB, 22 pages)

Appendix B: Summary of Public Scoping Comments For The Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, Designation of Energy Corridors on Federal Land In The eleven Western States (DOE/FS-0386)

Summary: A summary of the public scoping process for the PEIS, including summaries of public scoping comments received.

PDF Appendix B (4.23 MB, 18 pages)

Appendix C: Tribal Consultation

Summary: A discussion of relevant statutes and orders requiring consultation, a description of the consultation process for this project, a summary of consultation that has occurred, lists of the Native American Tribes contacted, and copies of the materials provided to the Tribes.

PDF Appendix C (53 MB, 98 pages)

Appendix D: Distribution of the Draft PEIS

Summary: A listing of all individuals, agencies, and organizations which received copies of the Draft PEIS .

PDF Appendix D (151 KB, 14 pages)

Appendix E: Federal and State Regulatory Requirements Potentially Applicable When Designating Energy Corridors

Summary: Tables listing the major federal and state laws and Executive Orders that establish requirements, permits, approvals, or consultations that may apply to the designation of energy corridors in the eleven Western States that are the subject of this PEIS.

PDF Appendix E (184 KB, 24 pages)

Appendix F: Section 368 Corridor Parameters

Summary: Lengths, widths, and compatible energy uses for Section 368 Corridors on Federal Lands under the Proposed Action.

PDF Appendix F (123 KB, 8 pages)

Appendix G: Energy Transport Technologies and Hypothetical Energy Transport Projects

Summary: Detailed physical descriptions and discussion of energy transport technologies and hypothetical energy transport projects.

PDF Appendix G (16.7 MB, 30 pages)

Appendix H: Sensitive Resource Areas That Would Be Intersected by Proposed West-wide Energy Corridors

Summary: Table listing sensitive resource areas that would be intersected by proposed Section 368 corridors, including feature name, feature type, corridor segment ID, corresponding map identifier, and description of the nature of the intersection.

PDF Appendix H (162 KB, 12 pages)

Appendix I: Geographic Information System Data

Summary: Description of geographic information system data used for the PEIS, including data types, sources, scales, and quality.

PDF Appendix I (140 KB, 8 pages)

Appendix J: Summary of WWEC PEIS Webcasts for Corridor Review and Revision, 6/19/06 to 7/18/08

Summary: Table listing webcasts held for corridor review and revision, listing states, dates, and participating agencies.

PDF Appendix J (126 KB, 6 pages)

Appendix K: Section 368 Energy Corridor Revisions

Summary: A table listing, by state, changes in Section 368 energy corridors between the draft and final versions of the PEIS.

PDF Appendix K (171 KB, 12 pages)

Appendix L: Proposed Energy Corridors that Would Require Consultation with the Department of Defense during Project Planning

Summary: Eleven-state map showing proposed Section 368 corridors that intersect or occur near military training routes (MTRs) and special use areas (SUAs) where low-altitude military aircraft flights may regularly occur, or that intersect DOD facilities.

PDF Appendix L (3.9 MB, 6 pages)

Appendix M: Federal Agency and Tribal Lands by State

Summary: Table listing sites owned by federal agencies and Tribes (includes site name, state, administrative unit, and length or area) by state.

PDF Appendix M (472 KB, 36 pages)

Appendix N: Potential Fossil Yield Classifications (PFYC) for Geologic Formations Intersecting Proposed Corridors under the Proposed Action by State

Summary: Table listing the PFYC classes and general locations of geologic units intersecting the proposed corridors under the Proposed Action as identified on state geologic maps.

PDF Appendix N (216 KB, 28 pages)

Appendix O: Water Resources

Summary: Tables listing Wild and Scenic Rivers by state, designation classification and administration authority for Wild and Scenic Rivers in the eleven Western States, and length of rivers crossing Section 368 corridors under the Proposed Action and their associated HLRs.

PDF Appendix O (278 KB, 24 pages)

Appendix P: Floodplain/Wetland Assessment of the Effects of Energy Corridor Designation in the eleven Western States

Summary: Evaluation of potential impacts to floodplains and wetlands from the designation of Section 368 energy corridors in the eleven-state area.

PDF Appendix P (1.9 MB, 10 pages)

Appendix Q: Ecoregion Descriptions

Summary: Brief descriptions of Level III ecoregions for 34 ecoregions covering the eleven-state area.

PDF Appendix Q (36.5 MB, 24 pages)

Appendix R: Potential Impacts of Energy Corridor Construction and Operation on Species Listed, Proposed for Listing, or Candidates for Listing under the Endangered Species Act

Summary: Identifies the species and critical habitats in counties that are crossed by the proposed Section 368 energy corridors, and discusses the nature of impacts of future project development in the corridors.

PDF Appendix R (720 KB, 80 pages)

Appendix S: Selected Potentially Sensitive Visual Resource Areas Intersected by or in Close Proximity to Proposed West-wide Energy Corridors Designated under the Proposed Action

Summary: Tables listing intersections and proximity events of West-wide Energy Corridors with selected sensitive visual resource areas under the Proposed Action, including feature name, feature type, corridor segment ID, and corresponding map identifier.

PDF Appendix S (168 KB, 12 pages)

Appendix T: Section 106 Consultation and Data Request

Summary: Description of Section 106 (of the National Historic Preservation Act) consultation activities for the PEIS, and the cultural resources data request made to federal agencies in the eleven Western States. Includes status and results of the collection.

PDF Appendix T (119 KB, 6 pages)

Appendix U: Archaeological, Historic, and Ethnographic Context

Summary: Regional archaeological, historic, and ethnographic overviews for the Great Basin, Southwest, Plains, Plateau, California, and Northwest Coast cultural areas.

PDF Appendix U (2.9 MB, 46 pages)

Appendix V: National Register of Historic Places-Listed Properties within 1 Mile of Corridor Centerlines

Summary: Table listing, by state, NRHP-listed properties within 1 mile of any proposed Section 368 energy corridor centerlines.

PDF Appendix V (124 KB, 6 pages)

Appendix W: Socioeconomic Methods and Impacts

Summary: Discussion of socioeconomic analysis of project developments and assessment of impacts at the state level for each of the eleven Western States.

PDF Appendix W (203 KB, 16 pages)

Volume III: Map Atlas

NOTE: All PEIS maps and additional maps products are available under West-wide Energy Corridor Final PEIS Maps.

Volume III Front Matter: Cover, Contents, Notation, English/Metric and Metric/English Equivalents

Summary: Front matter for Volume III of the Final Programmatic EIS document, including cover page, and document contents.

PDF Front Matter (2.6 MB, 8 pages)


Summary: 48 detailed maps showing proposed corridors and supporting information.


Summary: Eleven state maps that show proposed corridors and supporting information.


Summary: 43 detailed maps showing proposed corridors in relation to selected sensitive resource areas.


Summary: Eleven state maps that show where proposed corridors follow existing transportation and utility right of ways.


Summary: 22 state maps that show proposed Section 368 corridors and the boundaries of the plans that would be amended to designate them.


Summary: Two maps that show proposed Section 368 corridors and indicate which of the proposed corridors presented in the Draft PEIS were revised for the Final PEIS, and which also show the nature of the corridor revisions.

Volume IV: Comments and Responses


Summary: This volume presents the concerns raised during the public comment period for the Draft PEIS and presents the Agency response to those concerns.

PDF Volume IV: Comments and Responses (2.2 MB, 186 pages)


